The grim reality of Indian Sports

When it comes to sports, India sure punches well below its weight. To put India’s sports performance in context, Michael Phelps has won as many Olympic medals on his own as Team India has managed...

The need to bridge the gap of 2 million jobs in sports related fields

What career option do we have any sports? Is their any career progression post retirement for sportspersons? Are there adequate opportunities/vacancies for sports and sports related avenues? Allow us to take you through the...

5 careers in sports for non-athletes in India

Contemplating a career in sports in India is often treated with disbelief, pessimism, and mockery. Spotlight finishes require a lot of time, talent and a sickening work ethic. Of course, the glamour, bonanza and...

Women In Sports : Inching towards equality

Sportswomen around the globe have risen much above the idea of gender inequality ever since they’ve made their mark in the traditionally patriarchal and overwhelmingly male bastion of sports and athletics.Their journey has not...