The Elite 26.2

When I walked into a sports superstore in my city a few years ago, I was drawn towards a particular brand. It catered to all the merchandise a runner would need. The name lingered...

The Ethiopian town of world-class sporting excellence.

In a country which has been long associated with poverty, famine and war, Olympic distance runners Kenenisa Bekele, Tirunesh Dibaba, and Derartu Tulu have not only been a perpetual source of national pride but...

Our visit to Jamaica : Unlocking their secrets of success in the sprinting world

The primary focus of visiting Jamaica was to understand how they sustain and support their athletics ecosystem, what are the few significant bottlenecks in an athletes journey, and how has Jamaica broken these bottlenecks...

Building the future for India’s little known African-Origin community

Before the beginning The Sports Authority of India had a simple thought process.  “Good genes meant medal winning hopefuls.” The athletes in East African nations such as Kenya and Ethiopia are known for their consistent performances. They...

Usain Bolt-Rags to rapid riches (Part II)

Resuming from our earlier blog post on Bolt which ended on a “cliff-hanger,” let us dwell some more light on the second phase of Usain’s career. This second phase had blinding spotlights amid Bolt who had courted...